tale of blood cholesterol woe
2003-05-12 & 9:31 a.m.

So, there are some thing I'm willing to blame on M�xican food--

This morning someone from the clinic called to give me the results from my tests. "Your bloodwork shows an acute bacterial infection". So, the Cipro was the right choice, and I told him I am in fact feeling much better. "Something else I'm concerned about, though, is that your cholesterol is very high". How high?, I queried. "267."


I had worryingly joked that while I didn't gain any weight down south, I was willing to bet that my cholesterol would go up about 30 points. This was a joke in hyperbole, mind you. Try FORTY-SEVEN POINTS. My cholesterol has always been high, it's mostly genetic because I watch what I eat and most of the time I exercise. Now I find myself 67 points over the ceiling, and in my mid-twenties no less. This is hideous. I'm not sure what to do about this. I don't want to take any more drugs. ACK. How much can bowls of oatmeal and Cheerios and glasses of red grape juice really do for me? I guess we'll see.

Another sad tale (though good for her)--I was talking with a good friend here in Denver last night and I had forgotten that she would probably be taking a job up in the high country for the summer. She should find out soon about whether she'll be doing it or not. It's great for her-- she'll be working at a lodge in Vail leading tourists on horse rides through the hills and such. It's a great opportunity, she loves horses, she loves the mountains, and she'll still be able to get a little time off now and then for us to go mountain climbing together. We've been planning on hitting some fourteeners together-- if that's foreign Coloradospeak for you check it out here or here to find out what this fourteener stuff is all about. Colorado's got 54 of them, which is one of the many reasons why we're the best state in the Union. Back to the point at hand-- I'm going to miss her. Luckily Reva will be home for the summer but I'm going to miss Melissa. I guess I'll just have to go visit.

We'll find out this summer whether high-country hiking helps put me in better health (that is, lower that frightening 267) or if the strain will cause my to die of a massive coronary event above timberline, tan joven. Let's hope the former.

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